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Fakenham Magna

Our Church


We are a very small congregation so visitors to our monthly services of Songs of Praise (choose your favourite hymn) and said BCP Holy Communion are very welcome!  As is any extra help in keeping this place of beauty open are greatly appreciated.  However, we have a lively knit and natter group that meets weekly in Sapiston Village Hall on Tuesdays at 2pm that anyone can come along to, regardless of knitting!  We hold regular Produce Stalls selling delicious cakes and preserves, bees wax candles and plants that are very well supported and not to be missed!


St Peter's Church is situated in the middle of the village and is listed, Grade 1.  It is probably the oldest church within the Blackbourne Team, with a nave thought to date from the late 10th century.  The chancel and tower are 13th-14th century and there are three 15th-16th century bells which were last rung in 1959.

The present structure reflects an extensive Victorian restoration, including a superb stained glass east window, during which the thatched roof was replaced with its present one of tiles. The oldest part of the present structure has pre-Norman conquest quoins in the north and south nave walls, whilst the bulk of the nave is from the 14th century as is the tower. The chancel dates from the 13th century. Y shaped windows add to the beauty of the building and the fine stained glass in the chancel is worthy of inspection.

A Lychgate was added to mark the Millenium. The churchyard and car park are maintained with the generous support of the Parish Council.

A visit is well worth while as every century since the 10th has left its mark on this place and the church guide, available for a small donation will give a full description to all the historical details. Please see the church notice board for the key holders in case it is locked.

On the Second Sunday of the month, join us at 3pm for Songs of Praise, followed by a Said BCP Holy Communion for those who wish to stay.  It's very special.

Our Parish

The parish of Fakenham Magna, alternatively and confusingly known as 'Little Fakenham', is a small village located on the A1088 road midway between Honington and Euston. It is a small Suffolk 'estate' village, whose origins date to a 9th century Saxon settlement although there is evidence of nearby Roman and pre-Roman occupation.   The village is within a Conservation Area, and therefore very little development is permitted.  

With no shop nor Pub and a long-closed village school, the main feature of Fakenham Magna today is the parish church of St Peter.   Perhaps because of the lack of village facilities, there is a mutually supportive culture which embraces the care of the church.   The Church runs weekly ‘Knit and Natter’ sessions and also the Tea Rooms at Euston Hall and produce stalls at various times, all of which contribute to village social life as well as raising money for church funds.   

The Church celebrates services throughout the year including Easter, Harvest and Christmas.  All involve great hospitality!

​​Call us:

Rev Dr Karen Burton


Write to us: 

The Vicarage, Commister Lane

Ixworth  IP31 2HE


Diocese of St Edmundsbury & Ipswich

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